Friday, February 6, 2009


In life, there are times we come along things we hate... things we despise.

Sometimes, it gets so bad, we feel we have no choice but to hate everyone around us, including the people that actually care about us. Apparently, its human nature- taking your anger out on the innocent people who've never even gone as far as to think of you in any negative way. It's like our way of coping- our own theraphy.

Sometimes, we want to die, where we'd even go as far as to take our on life.
But sometimes, you come along things you know are not worth letting go. Things you know you've loved even before you knew how to love.

Life is a journey. It has its downs, and many more downs; but when you meet that one person, and you just know. You just know it goes back up, and you stay along for the ride.

But everything has an ending. Your stop comes along but you're somehow blinded by the 'EXIT' sign that lays in your shadow.

The sun finally sets and then you realize, that even the greatest things can fall apart.